Monday, February 27, 2017

Know Your Yarn (KYY) - Quotidian

Quotidian DK

I am a bank auditor by day, specializing in Anti-Money Laundering Program audits.  In the Anti-Money Laundering and banking world there is a concept often referred to as KYC or Know Your Customer.  Basically, banks are supposed to assess a customer’s risk of conducting money laundering acti  Well, I believe this concept should be applied in the knitting and crochet worlds as KYY or Know Your Yarn.  By understanding the qualities of different fibers and fiber combinations, you can assess whether a yarn would work with a pattern you wish to make.  Especially with The Happy Buffalo’s unique approach of equalizing the prices so that you can consider the qualities rather than the price of the yarn.

vity through their institution by know who they are, what they do, what products and services they use, and what level of activity they expect to conduct.

The Knitter’s Book of Yarn by Clara Parkes outlines several qualities to consider when choosing yarn: Fiber Content, Spinning Style, Coloring Technique, and Ply.  All of our yarns are milled by our supplier and spun using the worsted method, and coloring preferences are unique to an individual person’s taste, so I will focus on Fiber Content and Ply to identify the qualities of The Happy Buffalo’s yarns; however, I would highly encourage you read Parkes’s book if you wish to know more about different fibers, spinning, and coloring because this is, by no means, a comprehensive description.  

This month I’ll outline the qualities of The Happy Buffalo’s Quotidian Yarns.  Next month I’ll cover Amorevolous, and in April I’ll cover Grandiloquent.  There are three yarn weights in the Quotidian group: Sock, Sport, and DK.  The sock is 80% Superwash Merino and 20% Nylon, while the Sport and DK are 100% Superwash Merino.  Let’s go through Sport and DK, and then we’ll cover the unique qualities of the Quotidian Sock.

Quotidian DK - Black Licorice
Sport & DK
Fiber Content:  As I noted above, Quotidian Sport and Quotidian DK is 100% Superwash Wool.  The key qualities of Superwash Merino are its softness and ease of care.  Merino is considered one of the finest sheep’s wools because it’s fibers tend to have the smallest diameter.  Fiber diameter is measured in microns, and the lower the number the softer the fiber.  Merino fiber diameters averages in the low 20-microns range, while other wools can be upwards of 30 microns or higher.  Additionally, Merino tends to have smaller staple length, which is the length of individual fibers.  The shorter the fibers, the softer the yarn, but also the more likely it is to pill.  Finally, Merino has tiny wavelets along the length of the fiber.  This quality is known as crimp, and the fibers with the tinier crimps, such as Merino, tend to have more bounce and warmth.  Now, the additional Superwash quality of the fiber is due to a chemical process that removes the scales found on animal fibers to keep the yarn from felting in the wash, making the yarn machine washable!  All of these qualities make Merino an ideal fiber for everyday items such as sweaters, hats, and blankets – hence the name Quotidian.
Ashburn by Melanie Burg in Quotidian Sport

Ply:  Quotidian Sport is a 3-ply yarn, and Quotidian DK is a 4-ply yarn.  Yarns that are 3-ply are higher tend to be quite stable and well balanced.  Additionally, each additional ply adds strength to the yarn, making it ideal for hardwearing projects lick socks and mittens.  These yarns tend to have more visible ply lines than lower ply yarns, as well as better stitch definition, making them good for cable and colorwork patterns.

Fiber Content:  As mentioned above, Quotidian Sock is 80% Superwash Merino and 20% Nylon.  This yarn has all the same qualities over Superwash Merino described above with the added benefits of nylon.  For starters, Nylon is strong, stretchy, and mold-resistant.  However, Nylon doesn’t breathe the same way wool does, so the presence of the Merino in our Quotidian Sock allows the yarn to have the breathability of the wool and the strength of the Nylon.  In other words, it helps prevent your socks from wearing out too fast in the heel!

Ply:  Quotidian Sock is a 2-ply yarn, which makes in oblong shaped diameter.  The shape created by the ply helps hold the fabric open, which makes it ideal for lace patterns where open stitches are popular.

Summary of Quotidian Yarns
Quotidian means every day or common, and that’s exactly what these yarns are made for.  All three weights are strong and durable, good for every day wear items – socks, gloves/mittens, hats, sweaters.  Plus, the Merino is soft against the skin, as well as warm.

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